
Melasma Treatment

Melasma Treatment at Home Melasma treatment: The whole plan revolves around two major ingredients that work together: hydroquinone and retinoic acid. Hydroquinone is just vitamin A, but in its most potent form. These ingredients must be used in a specific way. The before-and-after results you see are real pigmentation cases treated with this exact combination. […]

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Melasma Cure

Melasma cure possible? Melasma is a hypopigmentary disorder commonly seen on the face, especially on the cheeks and nose, appearing as a butterfly rash. Sometimes, it can also affect the rest of the face. It is common in all genders and can have genetic causes, occur due to excessive sun exposure, or result from hormonal

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Glutathione caution

Glutathione The liver produces small amounts of glutathione, which the body uses for various functions. Researchers discovered its potential by accident. A liver patient, bedridden for a long time, experienced depleted glutathione levels, causing disruptions in several bodily functions. To address this, researchers administered it externally. This treatment not only improved the patient’s liver condition

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skin fairness

Is black skin better or worse? Black skin is healthier. This is because melanin production is higher. If the skin is not protected from sunlight, ultraviolet rays penetrate deep into the skin and increase the chances of skin cancer. Skin types 4, 5, and 6 provide better protection than skin types 1 and 2. Fair-skinned

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Acne Problem and Treatment

Acne Problem and Treatment Why do women get hormonal problem like acne? Women naturally have low levels of testosterone. However, when women experience a hormonal imbalance, acne may develop. People with oily skin are also more prone to hormonal problem acne. Recently, hormonal disorders like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have become more common in women.

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